
Grace, Harmony, Partnership

Katrina’s experience is eclectic and broad in scope. Ranging from a solid foundation in the Hunter/Jumper discipline to Jousting, Vaquero horsemanship and currently Working Equitation and Western Dressage, she has committed to implementing biomechanically correct techniques that are sustainable for both horse and rider.


Schedule Appointment

Lessons, Clinics, Coaching and customized training programs are available.

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I wanted to also tell you that my horse and I have begun our “dance” together as partners. Yes, YOU, are the reason this is, and ever was, possible. Whatever divine influence worked its magic through you, it has been nothing short of a miracle. Thank you, from both of us, for this life transforming event!!! So very grateful, ever and always.
— Dina Dewey
So excited to have a a rideable horse! Katrina Sanders did a fantastic job with him. He is so light and easy to ride. He is happy and healthy and moving very nice. He is calm and sound and his feet are fabulous!
— Lynnae Cummings
Thanks Katrina Sanders for your positive and insightful coaching - love that you’ve introduced us to a sport that focuses on horsemanship and camaraderie before competition.
— Mary Duffy


Katrina’s PROMISE

Facilitating core communication between horse and human is my primary goal. Through classical methods, I will help each horse and rider achieve partnership whether the goals include competition or merely riding for pleasure. I am dedicated to providing customized programs to suit each horse and rider while maintaining horse-centered focus.


About Katrina

For over 40 years I have known that I was in love with horses. This is and has been the impetus for my passionate endeavor to improving the communication and relationship between horses and humans. My competitive drive began with viewing the 1984 Olympic Games as a child and competing remains a part of my current journey. The foundation horsemanship that I received closely followed the model established by the Pony Club and as my horsemanship has developed, I have studied Natural Horsemanship, Vaquero Horsemanship and Classical Dressage. I continue to clinic with International and Domestic trainers alike. My current focus is placed in Working Equitation and Western Dressage, highlighting classical principles and techniques.